Campaign Manager - Campaign Manager (Silverlight)

Using Drill Query In A Segment

To use the Drill Query in a Segment:

  1. Drag the Drill Query from the Document Bar onto the Segment.


The Drill Query will be used as one line on the Segment:

  1. Click Run to obtain the count:

Within the Drill Query there are two columns displaying counts. The first column gives a running total and the second column displays the count of the single drill row in isolation.

Using the examples above the counts shown can be explained give as follows:

Gender = F First column count of 102,042 is a count of customers who are female. Second column count of 102,042. This displays the result of the single Drill Row in isolation.
Title In "Miss", "Ms" First column count of 56,742 is a count of customers who are female and have a title of Miss and Ms. Second column count of 56,742. This displays the result of the single Drill Row in isolation.
Occupation NE Office Worker First column count of 52,410 is a count of customers who are female and have a title of Miss and Ms that do not have an occupation of Office Worker. Second column count of 235,476. This displays the result of the single Drill Row in isolation.

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